Pre-Teen-Adult Paint Along Birds
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesYou follow along to draw and paint this picture of a holiday birds on thick watercolor paper. We'll be using watercolor paint, but if you'd like to use acrylics, that …
Youth Open Art
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesAge 7 and up, You pick your subject matter and medium each day and I’ll help you on each step. Choose from: 1) Draw, then Paint on paper or canvas. …
Paint on a Bottle or Open Art
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesAge 7 and up. Paint a bottle Holiday theme and put fairy lights in for a pretty decoration or gift. Bottle and fairy lights are provided or bring your own, …
Family Paint Along Santa
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesAge is 7 to Adults. Age 6 can sign up as long as a teen or adult accompanies them (no need to buy a ticket if only helping them). You …
Epoxy Beach Art
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesMinimum Age is 8 to Adults. Project will be a beach scene. If you've already done this one, you can paint a different scene, like a sunset. We’ll make a …
Family Paint Along Penguin
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesAll ages. If 5 or younger, an adult or teen must sign up with them. Only add another ticket if you will also be painting. 6 and over can be …
Open Art sold out
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesYou pick your subject matter and medium each day and I’ll help you on each step. 4:00-6:00. Choose from: 1) Draw, then Paint on paper or canvas. Subject matter is up to you; Pokemon, Anime, Landscapes, Nintendo, Animals, so on. Bring in an image or we can go online for references. 2) Make a small …
Youth-Adult Open Art
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesYou pick your subject matter and medium each day and I’ll help you on each step. Sewing, clay and mosaics require the fee to be added. Please provide a snack …
Party Paint Along Penguin!!
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesLet’s keep the holiday spirit going! Feel free to bring whatever you choose to eat or drink. Age 7-adults. You’ll all be painting along with me to do this fun layout, alter details as you wish. All supplies included to paint either on thick stock paper (easy for framing) or on thick stock paper (easier …