Friday Draw & Paint
Expressit Arts Studio 140 Melendy Rd., Hudson, NH, United StatesFollow along with me to paint these little birds on either a cat or dog, your choice. I’ll show you how. Juice, Water and Crackers are provided. Drop off at […]
Follow along with me to paint these little birds on either a cat or dog, your choice. I’ll show you how. Juice, Water and Crackers are provided. Drop off at […]
You pick your subject matter and medium each day and I’ll help you on each step. Choose from: 1) Draw, then Paint on paper or canvas. Subject matter is up […]
This class we’ll work on painting using different mediums each time. In this class we’ll learn how to paint using oils, we’ll be painting this rose. You can vary the […]
Drop off a 3:00 and pick up at 5:00. Print out an 8 x 10 image of your favorite anime that you would like to paint and bring that in […]
Drop off a 12:30 and pick up at 2:30. Follow along with me to paint This dragon. Use any colors you want. I’ll show you how. Juice or Water and […]
Signup each day starting next week. you can lock for a certain day in advance by putting the days into you cart and lock in.
3:00-5:00 or 3:30-5:30, your choice Students can use their time here to create in many available mediums and make some wonderful artwork. I will help them draw, paint, clay, make […]
Come back next week!
Drop off a 3:00 and pick up at 5:00. Print out an 8 x 10 image of your favorite anime that you would like to paint and bring that in […]
Great time to come in for home schooled kids. You pick your subject matter and medium each day and I’ll help you on each step. Choose from: 1) Draw, then […]